Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 12

I log on, still feeling the rebellious streak in me, and thinking that maybe i shouldn't be here today, this could end up hurting......but i end up ignoring that and head to StoneHaven Island after seeing my wife there....getting in is a serious pain in the butt still, not willing to risk the "usual" way in......(like that would have mattered today, as you'll see...)...i found my wife in the cage room....i managed to get her attention in a striking way.....and she followed me out and to the waterfall......i tried taking a pic but that seemed to go amiss somewhere, before i headed through the waterfall into the void underneath the castle.....all natural ground so no fears of violations being caused thankfully.....i went and sat by the lovely fire, first on the ground, then getting uncomfortable, moving to one of the logs so nicely placed there for people to sit was very comfortable......for a total of about 30 seconds before my worlds went completely blank and staticy...Must not sit on devices, Stand up immediately!!......i must have been slow, it took 2 violations before i stood up....and some more time before i could see again.....

Then i saw the "Relax" poseball, and thought, "Why not?". now as this was StoneHaven, i should have known that it was a trap (maybe i did and just didn't care at this point...), as as soon as i sat down, i was inverted and caged......not the best situation for a bane to be in i admit, and most "normal" banes most likely would have TP'd away immediately......for some reason, i just decided to try and wait it out. I thought i may be a bout to get away with it when there she was, my Custodian telling me to stand up again.....a bit hard when trapped in a capture cage, but she didn't seem to care, as another violation quickly followed....i TP'd out...not far away......all this time, my wife was there trying to work out what on earth was happening...

Sharie had to i waved good bye, blowing her lots of loving kisses......and poof, she was gone..leaving me alone with the fire and the cage which i promptly went back to, sitting back down on the log.....and consequently getting more violations, but an unexpected, very personal message, speaking to me, not J-1006, but was enough to shock me into standing up, hearing my name for the first time in almost 2 weeks will do that to you, let me assure you......but not for long, as i promptly got caught in the cage again, this time determined to wait it out, knowing it would time out in not too long a time....and again, another curious message, talking to me...i did manage to wait the cage out this time, but i'm now expecting a fairly hefty update next time it comes around....

i decided to head to zhora, my adrenaline rush kind of done with for now...not long after arriving, another very dear friend turned up, trying to ask me about the program, to see if she should choose it over normall jail time.....i of course could not say anything about it...she stood there for a short time before leaving....and then.... run of bad luck in the RW had this time cut my DSL connection.......for what ended up being over 24hrs......very unhappy bane that made me.....

Approx 80:20 done, 9:21 to go......(knowing that wouldn't last too much longer though)

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