Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 11

I was that special place that sharie and i call ours.....just marvelling at the beauty of the place, when i heard a noise behind me and turned to see my beloved wife there, waving to me, blowing me a kiss......hugging the air for me.....a tear forms in my hidden eye.....god i love her so.....she tries to ask me a few things, one of which i think is how much time left i have......i scribble in the sand the amount i know it to currently be.....oops, maybe i shouldn't have said that, i'm not supposed to be able to communicate......she also talks about what she will do to me when i'm out, ALL of which is way to naughty to put here *giggles*...

I get my next update, 5 more hours in banishment......and here i was thinking i had been reasonably good lately......Try harder J-1006, indeed!!!

i get the "demand" for maintenance, and ignore the first one.........the second i take though...heading to Zhora, seeing a former bane there, who waves to me as i go past, heading for the maintenance station....

Later in the day, i head to snark to see a gathering of friends that have not been seen for a while, i wave, blow some kisses but leave quickly, not wanting any more violations...i swing back past my love's house to wave and blow her a goodnight kiss before moving onto to Idunn.......which is where my next bout of rebelliousness takes a hold....i seemed to get the need to try and talk to people, earning myself 5 violations for trying to communicate.....even though no sound what so ever would ever escape this helmet sealed to my head....

i fade away quietly.......77:01 done, 12:33 to go.....

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