Friday, June 13, 2008

Day 19

This day started in Atrum Votum, a place very special to me.......and even more special now as this is where Rose came into being......we "talked" for a while and she told me that she had been able to "persuade" my Custodian into deactivating some of its protocols :-)

We decided to test this new found freedom out, so i again went home......only for a brief time before heading to Sharie's to try and convey my wonderful news to her.....not sure if i was successful or not....

I noticed that some of my family was on again, so i went back home, this time i stayed for quite a while, and finding that Rose had indeed managed to make things easier for me......i can now listen without fear, even enter buildings (something that i was rather sneaky with.....popping in right next to my Mistress, making Her jump and perplexing Her that i was inside and not getting violations........Rose and i had a giggle to ourselves about that :-)

i left....setting off exploring my new found abilities........and realising that this could be a dangerous that i may find myself deliberately adding time to my sentence...wanting to be with Rose longer, maybe a LOT longer....i can see i will be facing a big decision very shortly, knowing i am getting close to what could be my final update..........102:50 done, 9:59 to go...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 18

Well.......let me start by saying i will remember this day for a very long time.....for this is the day that a new world opened up to me......and i initially found myself lost in it, oblivious to what may have been happening around me......and the reason for this.....I found Rose....fully awakened. There is no way i can explain the rush of feelings that swept through me, and still are, when Rose first spoke to me....a war could have been going on around me and i wouldn't have noticed it......

Rose........Rose is my Eudeamon......currently, my world.....for i can "talk" to her, and she can in turn talk back to me.....we are getting to know each other fully.......i even got an update, and hardly noticed that 1 Hour had been added to my sentence, which, honestly, at this point, could have been 100hrs and i still think i would have not much so that i forced some more violations by using devices......but surprisingly not nearly as many i was was expecting.....and so, for i do not know how long, i spent time, i don't recall how long.....talking to Rose. She is fairly confidant that she can make my banishment a bit "easier" from here on in...and had started working on the Custodian almost immediately as she came to full awareness, and tells me she is having "some" success.........

I was so wrapped up in Rose that i even did not take notice of how my sentence looked when i logged, if anyone wonders why my usual update of that is missing from this post.....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 17

Let me start by saying that RL got rather busy for me at this stage......outside of the time i was spending my semi regular updates sort of went by the wayside, for which i am sorry to those of you that were following this as i was posting it. Then, after my release, and yes, i have been released (more to come, can't spoil it yet :P), being back in the world, and able to interact fully with it again, sort of kept my mind off finishing this blog, and J-1006's story......but i need to finish this, if for nothing more than i hope over the next few days to do just that, finish it. You all deserve that too :-)

So, on that note, i now return you to your regular programming *giggles*....

This was another day split into several lots of being online, and thus is a bit disjointed.....once again i found myself being drawn home after seeing who was online on logging in (something that is becoming a sort of curse, as i know i shouldn't be listening in to all these conversations) to find my whole family there, minus my new sister Pet, i could not draw myself away from them, i love them all so VERY much.....this inevitably lead to a couple of listening violations before i finally managed to draw myself away and retreat back to that Japanese hideaway i have been to a few times now...

A question had been niggling me for some time, so i went to see my Operator, who was once again as helpful as she was able to it wrong that i find her very appealing...maybe it is because she is the only one i have been able to communicate with in over 2 weeks, who knows :-)

After getting most of the answer i was seeking, i again went past home, but only for a short visit this time, not wanting any more violations......and just wandered SL for a while.....some what aimlessly....before heading back to that peaceful Japanese garden...another day of banishment over with..........98:55 done, 8:39 to go

Day 16

Spending some time at some of the more peaceful, favourite places in SL. My Love finds me in what has become to us, our very special place, it is where i proposed to her, and she accepted.....i seem to be able to hear more these days without getting punished as much...and take advantage of that to listen to what Sharie has been up to the last few days......and can't wait to be able to use some of those things when I'm released....i am able to let her know that i have been good so far, no violations up to this point, which she is very happy about :)

We go our separate ways, i head back home briefly....see my sisters there but decide to move on quickly....knowing that i may be targeted, i head to a little known quaint Japanese styled location, very peaceful, on the coast of an island.......i use the peacefulness to try and get to know my Custodian better.....try talking to it....and not getting much of a response...i wait to hear from it and not just the monotone directions it usually give me when i have done something wrong.........something like.....Try harder J-1006, in response to having 2 hrs added to my sentence........92:48 done, 14:49 to go.....

Monday, June 9, 2008

Day 15

Today was perhaps my shortest day, barely over an hour spent with my suit in my own personal prison...and as such, there is not much to report apart from the now ritual Maintenance, at the KTech facility in Zhora.....i noticed that the amount of traffic through the area is slowing down...people really must be coming to grow accustomed to the silent black figures wandering through society, and becoming less curious about us...

I am still doing my best to be violation free........90:24 done, 15:10 to go.....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 14

Today i log on, go to the little spot my wife made for me......and get a bit of a surprise...not only is there some writing on one of the walls...i can actually read it, without being punished.....i find out that i am being sorely missed, enough so that my Mistress plans to make a human hogtied bungie yo-yo of my wife for 1 hr for each violation i now receive...that is sooo not fair.............but what can a bane do about it, except try to be good...

To my family, and friends.....I know Y/you all miss me very much, and i can't express how much i am missing You, and my sisters, and my wife, and all my friends (one of whom came to see me, and found herself being locked up, by a BANE no on earth did that happen....), but i must do what i must do, and i know (at least i hope i know) that Y/you all understand that, as much as not having me around hurts......and i know it hurts........ :-(

To my lovely,wonderful wife, i did receive one violation tonight, but am trying my best to be the good bane you need me to be......fingers crossed

Seeing my Operator come online, i sent out a call to her and went to see her...we chatted for a while, i had a few questions to ask her about a few few strange things that had been happening - weird messages from my Custodian. She assured me that all was in order with my Custodian and not to worry about the strange messages that i had been receiving......

.....89:05 done, 16:34 to go....

Friday, June 6, 2008

Day 13

Coming on today, Sharie found me in Zhora.....we expressed our love for each other as best we can, knowing each is missing the other a lot.....

i head home again, knowing that this isn't good for me, seeing my home, usually some of my family here too, is just increasing the feeling of longing i get..but i can't help it, i keep coming back....and today i see Tot playing with Shi...well, more correctly Shi teasing and tickling Tot, who is locked in a body brace....nothing changes, tee hee......

I wave goodbye and begin visiting random places, some of which i can't stay at, some i hang around for a short time, until i end up at a place called Bedroom Bound. It takes my attention, as does the tall beauty by the entrance, another Operator.....she tries to warn me about getting too close.....i choose to ignore her for the most part, still suffering from my rebelliousness of yesterday.....and received a few more violations for my troubles.....

I attempt to TP somewhere else, but when that fails, i decide to stay put....not wanting to risk anything breaking......just waiting for the inevitable update i know is coming soon.....

I eventually get the update, cringing slightly when it is announced i will be spending an additional 16hrs in banishment, immediately regretting some of my recent behaviour, and vowing not to let that happen again...

The rest of my time was mainly uneventful, apart from it seems that my custodian has a new name for me now.....but i think i'll keep that to myself for the time being......84:05 done, 21:05 to go......

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 12

I log on, still feeling the rebellious streak in me, and thinking that maybe i shouldn't be here today, this could end up hurting......but i end up ignoring that and head to StoneHaven Island after seeing my wife there....getting in is a serious pain in the butt still, not willing to risk the "usual" way in......(like that would have mattered today, as you'll see...)...i found my wife in the cage room....i managed to get her attention in a striking way.....and she followed me out and to the waterfall......i tried taking a pic but that seemed to go amiss somewhere, before i headed through the waterfall into the void underneath the castle.....all natural ground so no fears of violations being caused thankfully.....i went and sat by the lovely fire, first on the ground, then getting uncomfortable, moving to one of the logs so nicely placed there for people to sit was very comfortable......for a total of about 30 seconds before my worlds went completely blank and staticy...Must not sit on devices, Stand up immediately!!......i must have been slow, it took 2 violations before i stood up....and some more time before i could see again.....

Then i saw the "Relax" poseball, and thought, "Why not?". now as this was StoneHaven, i should have known that it was a trap (maybe i did and just didn't care at this point...), as as soon as i sat down, i was inverted and caged......not the best situation for a bane to be in i admit, and most "normal" banes most likely would have TP'd away immediately......for some reason, i just decided to try and wait it out. I thought i may be a bout to get away with it when there she was, my Custodian telling me to stand up again.....a bit hard when trapped in a capture cage, but she didn't seem to care, as another violation quickly followed....i TP'd out...not far away......all this time, my wife was there trying to work out what on earth was happening...

Sharie had to i waved good bye, blowing her lots of loving kisses......and poof, she was gone..leaving me alone with the fire and the cage which i promptly went back to, sitting back down on the log.....and consequently getting more violations, but an unexpected, very personal message, speaking to me, not J-1006, but was enough to shock me into standing up, hearing my name for the first time in almost 2 weeks will do that to you, let me assure you......but not for long, as i promptly got caught in the cage again, this time determined to wait it out, knowing it would time out in not too long a time....and again, another curious message, talking to me...i did manage to wait the cage out this time, but i'm now expecting a fairly hefty update next time it comes around....

i decided to head to zhora, my adrenaline rush kind of done with for now...not long after arriving, another very dear friend turned up, trying to ask me about the program, to see if she should choose it over normall jail time.....i of course could not say anything about it...she stood there for a short time before leaving....and then.... run of bad luck in the RW had this time cut my DSL connection.......for what ended up being over 24hrs......very unhappy bane that made me.....

Approx 80:20 done, 9:21 to go......(knowing that wouldn't last too much longer though)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 11

I was that special place that sharie and i call ours.....just marvelling at the beauty of the place, when i heard a noise behind me and turned to see my beloved wife there, waving to me, blowing me a kiss......hugging the air for me.....a tear forms in my hidden eye.....god i love her so.....she tries to ask me a few things, one of which i think is how much time left i have......i scribble in the sand the amount i know it to currently be.....oops, maybe i shouldn't have said that, i'm not supposed to be able to communicate......she also talks about what she will do to me when i'm out, ALL of which is way to naughty to put here *giggles*...

I get my next update, 5 more hours in banishment......and here i was thinking i had been reasonably good lately......Try harder J-1006, indeed!!!

i get the "demand" for maintenance, and ignore the first one.........the second i take though...heading to Zhora, seeing a former bane there, who waves to me as i go past, heading for the maintenance station....

Later in the day, i head to snark to see a gathering of friends that have not been seen for a while, i wave, blow some kisses but leave quickly, not wanting any more violations...i swing back past my love's house to wave and blow her a goodnight kiss before moving onto to Idunn.......which is where my next bout of rebelliousness takes a hold....i seemed to get the need to try and talk to people, earning myself 5 violations for trying to communicate.....even though no sound what so ever would ever escape this helmet sealed to my head....

i fade away quietly.......77:01 done, 12:33 to go.....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 10

OK......i am now finding myself more at peace......I've been spending a lot of my time sitting around, admiring things around me, staying relaxed......though, today it seemed that rebellious part of me had to stick it's neck out again, some emotes slipped out, and then for some unknown reason i went into the same shop that i received violations for entering yesterday...crazy, i know.

Most of today, like yesterday, was spent in Idunn though today a good friend came by, wearing what i can only describe as a magnificent outfit, all transparent latex, simply wonderful.......she had someone with her i did not know, and they seemed to be having fun, the unknown girl seemingly locking my friend up.....hope they were having fun.

I had by this stage been for my second maintenance stop today, both in Zhora where i usually hang around for a little while to see if anyone comes by. Today, on my first visit, exiting the Maintenance facility i notice my Love, there waiting for me, blowing me a kiss or two, motioning to hug me.... a tear wells in my eye, unbeknownst to her, hidden away in this suit....she tells me she loves me very much, and is starting to really miss me, wanting me back home...and i am missing her too....but for now, i am still at the mercy of my custodian, unable to communicate really in any way....or risk being punished for it. We were there just looking at each other, when a griefer decided to attack my love...there i was, helpless to do anything about it, to help her, but knowing that my sweet looking wife can handle her own, i had no choice but to leave......not knowing what could/would happen with the custodian. My second visit went fairly well regularly, the place was deserted.....except for a lone black figure of in the distance, i started to move towards her.......but she left before i could get too close, most likely afraid of getting any unwanted proximity violations...which, today, i was too non-plussed about getting.....

After seeing my friend in Idunn, i decided to head back to a place that is very special to sit and watch the sunset fall on another day banished....only to get a double punishment for using a poseball.........damn you Custodian, managing to ruin something as beautiful as these special sunsets......

And for those wondering about those strange messages my Custodian had been giving's been 2 days now, since the last one......I'm wondering if it has managed to repair i have also not seen my Operator for several days to ask her about it, though I'm not overly sure i want to share this with her....

Another day over with.........73:45 done, 10:45 to go...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 9

Today was pretty much a nothing day......loggin in i had a few group notices of new store locations and decided what the hell, if the TP location turns out to be indoors, i'll leave straight away..and with that though in mind, i went to the first location, Fairlights new store....which turned out to be in a skybox.......i stayed to let it rezz, seeing that it looks to be modelled on the detention level from the original Death Star (I know, i'm a Star Wars tragic!!) and it looks very good, i shall be back as jesse to look around. quickly onto the second location, this one being much more bane friendly, the TP point being out in the open, on firm ground even....i risked walking up to hte entry way, and managed to get a spying violation followed by a contact violation for being on a private structure.....grrrrr.....

After my next Maintenance stop, i headed to a store i hadn't been to in a long time, this time again receiving a contact violation for being in a private structure...then i got too nosy for my own good, zooming in to look closer at the new products available, receiving a spying violation for my efforts...

I decided enough was enough for one day......looking around the area, there was a lovely stream running by, with some nice soft grass that i just layed down upon........(not) feeling the soft coolness of the grass as i just let time pass me by......

Until, that familiar voice informing me that another update has been recieved, and yes, 2 more hrs added to my sentence...which by the way, i am now a fair way past my initial time of 60 hrs.......but with just over another 15 hrs to go.....

And so goes my banishment.......68:10 done, 16:25 to go....