Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 6

i awake today with a certain sense of excitement....some very strange things occurred yesterday.....hopefully those problems are behind me.

Today was going to be a day of testing, pushing to see just exactly what i could and could not do (ie get away with). With that in mind, i visited the Deitide open area, on a theory i had developed and was proving........seems we banes can walk on some "private" i stayed in deitide for approx 20 mins before making my way to castle darkstone where i had the unfortunate experience of someone trying to push me into a cage....after avoiding that, i continued onto darkstone where i entered a building that did not have a "floor" but that turned out to be a trap floor......which i got caught by.....and the violations started. I tried to wait the trap out, let it time out, but after 4 violations (separated by a very peculiar message - Custodian: : Security compromised. Unknown protocol. : - which i didn't notice until arriving in Zhora) i decided discretion was the better part of valour and left, back to deitide......and so began what was to become probably my most heavily punished day of my banishment....

Another maintenance required, another trip back to KTech......which seemed to be a popular place today....there being several people gathered by the public building.....talking, and i couldn't help myself, i got to within hearing distance, knowing that staying here too long would result in punishment, but doing it anyway. After listening for 15 minutes, a few banes appeared around the place, i decided to go "visit" one....walking right up to it, feeling decidedly care free and rebellious, i soon got a violation, quickly followed by a second, and a third as i had turned to walk away...

Heading back to the public building, i noticed the tell tale monitoring light come on and decided that is was time to really test out my Custodian.....see what it was capable of once and for all......i giggled, emoting i stood next to a civilian, which earned me the first of many violations i was soon to receive.......when suddenly my custodian spoke to disbelief that i would dare emote, having already suffered the consequences of trying to communicate in this way....which only spurred me on.....i laughed, Custodian suggested i behave as i know i should, to which i emoted back that i didn't know, and bam......a punishment for a communicating attempt violation........ which was followed by 3 more violations for the same reason, all the while being chastised by my Custodian until i stopped emoting....and my Custodian warned me that this would not go well when my update was received......which i knew already, but was ignoring it today.....

Still in the mood i was in, i continued to listen to the conversation going on near me, which incurred more berating by the Custodian, to which i mainly ignored apart from the emote to tell it i knew i shouldn't be listening, getting myself another communicating violation, laughing to myself at it's feeble attempts to get me to "behave", it went as far as to take away my sight for a short amount of time.....

At this stage, one of the gathered civilians took an interest in me, in my brazenness to stand there listening to them was also at this stage that the voice in my head changed, i think it was even trying to "help" me....though i must say it went unnoticed by me at this stage and i kept on listening, even waving and blowing a kiss to the civilian that was looking at me, which seemed to shock her causing her to wonder if i had started to go crazy, or become suit dependant (which may have not been far from the truth, as outsiders would see it anyway). At the same stage, my Custodian had resorted to what seemed like tormenting me...until i moved closer to the civilian and received another contact violation.......which was followed by a very weird, definitely not normal, message from the Custodian....but that was when i stopped my, some would say insanity, i like to call it rebelling, period.....and left to a secret location, not far from the KTech facility......

I was still receiving messages from my somewhat strange sounding Custodian......which i finally worked out was not quite normal.........but decided i better log for the night, lest i return to my bad ways and get any more violations on top of the many i had received (22 at last count) already today.....and after a few more "helpful instructions" from my strange sounding Custodian......i logged.......44:50 done, 23:50 to go....

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