Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day 1 Cont.

OK, where was i....oh yes.....i had just received notification that my sentence had been increased by 1 hr.......better than i was expecting from all I'd heard before being banished. i must have been a fairly good bane up to this point.

most of the rest of the day i spent moving around some......i went home again, found my wife, my love, waiting there for me......we both sat there, looking at each other for quite some time, i risked a wave, a nod....i got away with them this time...she eventually left, for what reason i did not know....i noticed her logging not long after....

so i found myself back in Zhora......watching people and banes come and go.....i then got the notification i was overdue for "maintenance", so i had to go and perform that most humiliating task....

that over with....i spend some time trying to relax and meditate..yeah, you could call it that...thinking about what might be going on while I'm banished..

time passes and i need to log......with just under 50hrs left to go......

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