Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 5

Logged on today in the middle of Zhora, there were a few banes present and i foolishly walked right up to one, and sure enough received a proximity violation. I moved away immediately, but apparently onto the spot that the KTech LM points to, as 2 popped right on top of me, and yes, this time contact violation ensued...so i bit the bullet and walked up to the other end of the area, well out of range of civilians and other banes that were around. I then found myself wasting time while putting off contacting my Operator. About 5 mins later, Operator Sabra TP'd me to her. I had some questions regarding my Custodian, thinking that maybe it had a slight malfunction.....after obtaining a report from it, Operator Sabra informed me that indeed everything was in order. I also asked about how i was supposed to be punished whenever i entered a building or private residence, but as yet, had not received any such violations. I decided to take things into my own hands and walked into my Operators house, where not 30 seconds later, there she was, that mechanical voice in my head telling me that i was not allowed to enter buildings...and that would be one more contact violation thank you very much ;-/

After we both moved outside, my Operator warned me not to take this lightly, not to deliberately cause violations and telling me that she would be keeping a closer watch on my movements.....this awakened my mischievous side, and for some reason, i found myself, teasing her, saying how i knew some sneaky ways to get around her trying to keep a closer eye on me........this went on for some 10 minutes until i could no longer hold back....and started to emote....knowing full well that it is the worst thing a bane can attempt to do, but nonetheless doing it, even while Operator Sabra was cautioning me not to!! And surely enough, soon i received an attempting to communicate violation, all the while smiling to myself inside my helmet while hearing Operator Sabra's slightly garbled speech telling em that i may be becoming a troublesome case for her.....and knowing that yes, i could become very troublesome indeed........

Looking back, this was probably the time that something happened inside my helmet, specifically with my Custodian....maybe i overloaded it, who knows......what i do know, is that i then TP'd to KTech, where at first, i could walk around, however the Custodian was no longer repeating what people were saying to me, i was just getting a whole lot of " ... "'s, i sat down, and then remembered about the Maintenance message i got while with Operator Sabra, so i stood up, used auto-pilot (Go to) to move to the Maintenance station and then went to walk in......but hang on, i can't move....(one minor panic attack later).....hang on.....this might just be an anomaly i can fix.....after several attempts ((re-logs)) with no change, i was saying to myself "OK, ok, no need to panic (yeah right, who am i trying to kid here???)....so luckily, i still had Operator Sabra's TP details in the chat history which i used to go back to her house to wait for her to come online.....and faded out for a short while......

************************some time later that day**************************

coming back online, i was hoping that things would sort themselves out, but no, still not able to move, but what's that....someone is send**********************************************************

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*********************************************i arrive back with Operator Sabra, she again tries to get a report from the Custodian after logging only to be met wi***************************************

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*************************************************is telling me not to worry, that we will sort this issue out once we can see Dr. Kelley, and to stay calm and to go somewhere that will not have much traffic......i decide to head to Zhora and the KTech facility, though far away from the building and Maintenance station. i do the only thing i can and sit down, watching from afar as banes come and go, civilians come and go, even my wife came by to send me her love, though i could not hear it at all now, the custodian still not reporting anything through to me...WHOA....what on earth was that....Custodi*****************************

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***************************nd here i still am, sitting, waiting.

OK, time to....wow...there is Dr. Kelley contacting me through the Custodian, telling me to go see my Operator who ha********************************************************************

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***********************************************ends me back on my way, everything back in order again...i head to Zhora for a short time before finally succumbed to the need for sleep, exhausted from an emotionally draining day............
38:53 gone, 29:52 to go

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