Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 1

So there i was, logging back on for the first time as J-1006 after being sentenced and sealed into this suit which will be my home for my sentence, how ever long that turns out to be. As things would have it, fate kind of helped me out a bit, coming down sick in RL enabled me to spend what will undoubtedly be my longest time online in a day for my sentence (almost 10 hrs - a usual day will be 4hrs approx.). I spent maybe an hour in the place i logged from, somewhere i feel at peace..... I sorted out some gestures (always good fun) and did a small amount of testing....

I decided to head back to KTech, to have a bit of a look around, see what other banes were there, and to explore the are some...discovering a few nooks here and there that are nice to spend some time in...... i came across J-1941, a friend back when neither of us were banished.....we managed to stay far enough away from each other and display some tricks.....and we walked around some.....J-1941 suddenly disappeared and i decided to try and follow her.....which almost landed us both with a proximity violation.....I'm now more careful when following someone !!

We managed to spend some time, wandering around, finding a few nice areas that a bane could sit and contemplate their wrong doings......and not have to worry about curious citizens coming up to us and causing contact violations :-)

I saw some of jesse's family members come online, so i headed back to my former home, jesse's home, and stayed a safe distance away, where i could hear bits and pieces of conversations, but not cause any listening or contact violations. I stayed there for a fair while, listening, risking a wave here and there, to try and let them know that it was their former sister outside, in the shiny black bane suit, watching over them.....but i eventually had to leave, the temptation to get closer, try and hear more, and more likely receive a violation, was getting to great.....

I found myself wandering then for quite a while, walking around, observing people go about their SL lives, mostly oblivious to the black figure that would stop and watch them, then move on....

I found myself drawn back to the area around the facility, observing people coming and going, seeing some filling out their own applications, wishing that i had someway to warn them off, to tell them to not choose the banishment option for incarceration.....but knowing that i had no way to do it.....i saw some other banes being talked to by their Operators, risking a listen to some of the conversations......and then "Proximity Violation: May not approach other Banes" blares through my head....i turn around to see another bane has approached me, getting to close.....i quickly move, increasing the distance between us, but she chased me, causing another violation, so i had to move somewhere else, not wanting a territory fight right now..

I decided to try and contact my Operator, as i had a few queries, and had been told during processing to contact her if i had any questions....Operator Sabra took some to summon me, which i had no right to expect anything else, being a bane you do not expect prompt responses with these things, and i was able to ask my questions and she answered them, which cleared my mind some what.

My Operator informed me that i would soon be receiving an update from my custodian, an update about what i did not know, so i found a quiet spot to sit and wait for it to come, not having much choice to do otherwise anyway....some time later....."Custodian: : Violations totaled and demerits assigned. For this week's violations, your sentence has been extended by 1 hours. Try harder, J-1006. " . Well, there is another question answered. be continued

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